Monday, May 18, 2009

Homework due Tues May 19

Ch: 28 p. 656-679
Progressive Roots p. 656-661

1.What were the origins or roots of Progressivism and what areas did they attempt to reform?
Racking the Muck with the Muckrakers
1.What is a muckraker?
2.Who are Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell?
3.What are the criticisms of muckrakers; what do they do too much of and too little of? (Last paragraph in that section)
Political Progressivism
1.Who were the progressive reformers and explain their overall goals?
2.How do “initiative, “referendums”, and “recalls” fit into the goals of Progressivism?
3.How does the 17th amendment, remember to define it first, appeal to progressive reformers?
Progressivism in the Cities and States p. 661
1.Who was Robert La Follette and what was his contribution to the Progressive Era?

Progressivism Unit Objectives

The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940
USII.8 Analyze the origins of Progressivism and important Progressive leaders, and summarize the major accomplishments of Progressivism.

A. Jane Addams
B. William Jennings Bryan
C. John Dewey
D. Robert La Follette
E. President Theodore Roosevelt
F. Upton Sinclair
G. President William H. Taft
H. Ida Tarbell
I. President Woodrow Wilson

A. bans against child labor p. 516 bottom
B. the initiative referendum and its recall p. 618
C. the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) p.450
D. the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) p.528
E. the Meat Packing Act (1906) p.526
F. the Federal Reserve Act (1913)
G. the Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) p. 539
H. the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 p. 541

Seminal Primary Documents to Read: President Theodore Roosevelt, “The New Nationalism,” speech (1910).

USII.9 Analyze the post-Civil War struggles of African Americans and women to gain basic civil rights. (H)

Carrie Chapman Catt
A. W.E.B. Du Bois
B. Marcus Garvey
C. the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
D. Alice Paul
E. Booker T. Washington

Seminal Primary Documents to Consider: Booker T. Washington, the Atlanta Exposition Address (1895), and the Niagara Movement Declaration of Principles (1905)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sorry the internet at DHS was down on Friday so I couldn't post. But here ya go!

Ch 25 America Moves to the City
1. How were people's lives changing by living in cities at the turn of the 20th century? (Think about new inventions, their homes, shopping, and sanitation.)
2. Compare and contrast "Old Immigrants" with the "New Immigrants."
3. What were the "push" and "pull" factors of the new immigrants? (Why were the "pushed" from their home countries and what "pulled" them to America?)
4. How did immigrants attempt to keep their culture alive?
5. Explain 5 reactions to the new immigrants.
6. What impact did Jane Addams and the Hull House have?
7. Explain 5 fears the nativist had against the new immigrants.

Reminder: Next Friday is the immigration simulation. Please use p.564-65 to get an idea of what immigrants coming to Ellis Island wore. Start finding clothing to dress up and role play on Friday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Late Industrialization Objectives

Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920
USII.1 Explain the various causes of the Industrial Revolution. (H, E)

A. the economic impetus provided by the Civil War
B. important technological and scientific advances
C. the role of business leaders, entrepreneurs, and inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt

USII.2 Explain the important consequences of the Industrial Revolution. (H, E)

A. the growth of big business
B. environmental impact
C. the expansion of cities

USII.3 Describe the causes of the immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and describe the major roles of these immigrants in the industrialization of America. (H)

Seminal Primary Documents to Read: Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus” (1883)

Seminal Primary Documents to Consider: Younghill Kang, East Goes West (1937)

USII.4 Analyze the causes of the continuing westward expansion of the American people after the Civil War and the impact of this migration on the Indians. (H)

USII.5 Explain the formation and goals of unions as well as the rise of radical political parties during the Industrial era. (H, E)

A. the Knights of Labor
B. the American Federation of Labor headed by Samuel Gompers
C. the Populist Party
D. the Socialist Party headed by Eugene Debs

USII.6 Analyze the causes and course of America’s growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I. (H, E)

A. the influence of the ideas associated with Social Darwinism

p.550-556 Due Thurs May 7th

1. Explain the difference of workers before the Civil War and after.
2. Explain the “weapons” corporations had against workers.
3. What similarities did the National Labor Union, Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor have? What differences? (You may make a venn diagram for this)
4. By 1900, how were unions perceived?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

p.539-549 (skip South in the Age of Industry) Due Wed May 6th

1. Who is Andrew Carnegie?
2. What impact did steel have on America?
3. Explain the Bessemer process.
4. Who is JP Morgan?
5. Who is John D. Rockefeller?
6. Explain “the gospel of wealth” and “social Darwinism”.
7. What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
8. Explain at least 5 impacts the new Industrial Revolution had on America.