Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sorry the internet at DHS was down on Friday so I couldn't post. But here ya go!

Ch 25 America Moves to the City
1. How were people's lives changing by living in cities at the turn of the 20th century? (Think about new inventions, their homes, shopping, and sanitation.)
2. Compare and contrast "Old Immigrants" with the "New Immigrants."
3. What were the "push" and "pull" factors of the new immigrants? (Why were the "pushed" from their home countries and what "pulled" them to America?)
4. How did immigrants attempt to keep their culture alive?
5. Explain 5 reactions to the new immigrants.
6. What impact did Jane Addams and the Hull House have?
7. Explain 5 fears the nativist had against the new immigrants.

Reminder: Next Friday is the immigration simulation. Please use p.564-65 to get an idea of what immigrants coming to Ellis Island wore. Start finding clothing to dress up and role play on Friday!

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