Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Late Industrialization Objectives

Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920
USII.1 Explain the various causes of the Industrial Revolution. (H, E)

A. the economic impetus provided by the Civil War
B. important technological and scientific advances
C. the role of business leaders, entrepreneurs, and inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt

USII.2 Explain the important consequences of the Industrial Revolution. (H, E)

A. the growth of big business
B. environmental impact
C. the expansion of cities

USII.3 Describe the causes of the immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and describe the major roles of these immigrants in the industrialization of America. (H)

Seminal Primary Documents to Read: Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus” (1883)

Seminal Primary Documents to Consider: Younghill Kang, East Goes West (1937)

USII.4 Analyze the causes of the continuing westward expansion of the American people after the Civil War and the impact of this migration on the Indians. (H)

USII.5 Explain the formation and goals of unions as well as the rise of radical political parties during the Industrial era. (H, E)

A. the Knights of Labor
B. the American Federation of Labor headed by Samuel Gompers
C. the Populist Party
D. the Socialist Party headed by Eugene Debs

USII.6 Analyze the causes and course of America’s growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I. (H, E)

A. the influence of the ideas associated with Social Darwinism

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