Monday, May 18, 2009

Homework due Tues May 19

Ch: 28 p. 656-679
Progressive Roots p. 656-661

1.What were the origins or roots of Progressivism and what areas did they attempt to reform?
Racking the Muck with the Muckrakers
1.What is a muckraker?
2.Who are Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell?
3.What are the criticisms of muckrakers; what do they do too much of and too little of? (Last paragraph in that section)
Political Progressivism
1.Who were the progressive reformers and explain their overall goals?
2.How do “initiative, “referendums”, and “recalls” fit into the goals of Progressivism?
3.How does the 17th amendment, remember to define it first, appeal to progressive reformers?
Progressivism in the Cities and States p. 661
1.Who was Robert La Follette and what was his contribution to the Progressive Era?

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