Monday, May 18, 2009

Progressivism Unit Objectives

The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940
USII.8 Analyze the origins of Progressivism and important Progressive leaders, and summarize the major accomplishments of Progressivism.

A. Jane Addams
B. William Jennings Bryan
C. John Dewey
D. Robert La Follette
E. President Theodore Roosevelt
F. Upton Sinclair
G. President William H. Taft
H. Ida Tarbell
I. President Woodrow Wilson

A. bans against child labor p. 516 bottom
B. the initiative referendum and its recall p. 618
C. the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) p.450
D. the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) p.528
E. the Meat Packing Act (1906) p.526
F. the Federal Reserve Act (1913)
G. the Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) p. 539
H. the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 p. 541

Seminal Primary Documents to Read: President Theodore Roosevelt, “The New Nationalism,” speech (1910).

USII.9 Analyze the post-Civil War struggles of African Americans and women to gain basic civil rights. (H)

Carrie Chapman Catt
A. W.E.B. Du Bois
B. Marcus Garvey
C. the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
D. Alice Paul
E. Booker T. Washington

Seminal Primary Documents to Consider: Booker T. Washington, the Atlanta Exposition Address (1895), and the Niagara Movement Declaration of Principles (1905)

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